Sermon Text: Numbers 13:17-14:24 Teacher: Scott Harpe Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:10-12
Sermon Text: Numbers 13:17-14:24 Teacher: Scott Harpe Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:10-12
Sermon Text: John 5:1-18 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: John 9:1-38
Sermon Text: John 4:43-54 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:1-6
Sermon Text: John 4:1-42 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 2:4-13
Sermon Text: John 3:16-36 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: 1 John 4:7-10
Sermon Text: John 3:1-15 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 36:22-32
Sermon Text: John 2:13-25 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Psalm 69:1-13
Sermon Text: John 2:1-12 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1-7
Sermon Text: John 1:19-51 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:11-14
Sermon Text: John 1:1-18 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1:1-4
Sermon Text: Acts 6:1-7 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-11
Sermon Text: Various Texts Teacher: Josh Armstrong
Sermon Text: Various Texts Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: Romans 12:4-18
Sermon Text: Galatians 6:11-18 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 9:23-24
Sermon Text: Acts 2:1-39 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Revelation 1:12-18
Sermon Text: Colossians 1:15-20 Teacher: Jacob Denhollander Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1:1-14
Sermon Text: Galatians 6:6-10 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46
Sermon Text: Acts 8:1-8, 26-40 Teacher: Scott Harpe Scripture Reading: Psalm 145:1-6
Sermon Text: Galatians 6:1-5 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: James 5:19-20
Sermon Text: Jonah 3:10-4:11 Teacher: Ben Bular Scripture Reading: Joel 3:12-14
Sermon Text: Matthew 28:18-20 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-7
Sermon Text: Galatians 5:22-26 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Romans 7:4-6
Sermon Text: Galatians 5:16-21 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Sermon Text: Galatians 5:7-15 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:15-16
Sermon Text: Galatians 5:1-6 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Acts 15:1-11
Sermon Text: Galatians 4:21-31 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Isaiah 54:1-12
Sermon Text: Galatians 4:8-20 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:11-13
Sermon Text: Psalm 1 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: James 1:19-25
Sermon Text: Galatians 4:1-7 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: 1 John 4:7-16
Sermon Text: Galatians 3:23-29 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: John 1:9-13
Sermon Text: Hebrews 7:25 Teacher: Scott Harpe Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Sermon Text: Galatians 3:15-22 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Romans 11:25-36
Sermon Text: Ephesians 1:18-23 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21
Sermon Text: Galatians 3:6-14 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Romans 4:1-12
Sermon Text: Galatians 3:1-5 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:11-14
Sermon Text: Galatians 2:17-21 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Romans 3:5-8
Speaker: Larry McCall Larry is the author of the book “Loving your Wife as Christ Loves the Church”
Speaker: Larry McCall Larry is the author of the book “Loving your Wife as Christ Loves the Church” Sermon Text: 1 John 4:7-21
Speaker: Larry McCall Larry is the author of the book “Loving your Wife as Christ Loves the Church”
Speaker: Larry McCall Larry is the author of the book “Loving your Wife as Christ Loves the Church”
Speaker: Larry McCall Larry is the author of the book “Loving your Wife as Christ Loves the Church”
Sermon Text: Galatians 2:11-16 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Romans 3:19-26
Sermon Text: Galatians 2:1-10 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Romans 4:1-10
Sermon Text: Galatians 1:11-24 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:3-7
Sermon Text: Galatians 1:6-10 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: Romans 9:30-10:4
Sermon Text: Galatians 1:1-5 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:25-31
The Gospel God, Man, Christ, Response* GOD God is the creator of all things (Gen. 1:1), the Giver of every good gift (James 1:16-17). He… Read More »Session 1 – Class Discussion on the Gospel
Sermon Text: Daniel 12:1-13 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Sermon Text: Daniel 12:1-13 Teacher: Al Kenitz Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20
Sermon Text: Hebrews 3:12-13 Teacher: Josh Armstrong Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:5